Switching Apparatus on Disturbance of Magnetic Moments
exhibition 'Structure & Sound' at 京都精華大学ギャラリーフロール
material: heat & magnetic force, halogen lamps, ferrite magnets, oscillator, stainless wires and aluminum frames
Switching Apparatus on Disturbance of Magnetic Moments
An apparatus in order to manifest a process of giving a heat to a ferrite magnet till a point lower than the curie temperature and of appearing of the transient variations as demagnetization effects.
The ferrite magnet is heated by the halogen, and the orientation of spins direction of electrons is disturbed, and demagnetization is caused, and then the balance between magnetic forces is lost, and an electrical contact is separated, then the heating is stopped, then the natural cooling begins, and then the orientation of spins begins to align again, and again the magnetic force is restored, and the electric contact is connected, and the heating begins.
This process repeats connection and disconnection in complete indeterminacy. And an indeterminacy of it manifests a disorder of directions of spins of electrons.
The purpose of an apparatus as this interdisciplinary art work is to create that chance working an imagination of us by thinking of the nature of electron. This apparatus has a possibility of directly observing a manifestation from a world that lies outside the domain of a causal description corresponding with our customary forms of perception. That might become a question from an actual nature world for us who are bonded by a determinacy idea of causality.
text for the theoretical and the related idea: